Highest Rated Comments

Vulgar_the_clown16 karma

Bring back Black Clover Radio!

Vulgar_the_clown8 karma

Does your job make you jaded? Are you now predisposed to think that the person who is sitting in the chair across from you is a criminal?

Vulgar_the_clown8 karma

Great morning show on the Buzz today. My question is about family. You've rapped about your grandparents (tear to the eye), your mother (sorry for your loss), your supportive dad, and your new baby boy (Hi Rocky!). Throughout the years you have gained notoriety and fame, yet still treat your fans with the utmost respect (source: met you several times).
Has your family and the strong bonds you have with them contributed to your remaining so down to earth and approachable?

Vulgar_the_clown8 karma

I'm drooling over how bad ass their collaboration would be. Think about how many references to Kansas City there would be in just one song!

Vulgar_the_clown3 karma

I actually worked with Mike (Ubi) when he was a bartender on the plaza. Very cool, down to earth guy. I've seen Jason around town and have offered him a ride if I ever see him walking. Both are nice guys and not trying to be hard-assed thugs.