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WastedPanda3 karma

DN3 and K-Murdock: Love the beats that you guys make, both while collaborating with Random, and when working on your own. My question for you two is when you're remixing a beat from a video game, what pulls you towards that specific theme, and what kind of mindset do you take on when you approach them in regards to how you expect them to turn out?

Random: Fan of your music since I first heard it a few years back, and have had a blast both times I went to see you in concert ( Last year at the Blind Pig, and the time before at the Intersection on September 11th a year or so before. ) Huge fan of how you work the crowd and get them engaged during your sets. My question for you is similar to the previous question. When you approach a new project, what mindset do you take on? Do you look at the project as a whole to see how to incorporate everything together, or do you approach the project on a track by track basis while retaining a mental note to allow songs to blend with one another?

By the way, I'm a huge fan of how your Mega Ran series is a story told through music from the start of an album to the end. Same thing with the Language Arts project you did ( Was also a fan of the game, I was the person who played through and beat it quite a few times and sent the Lunar Giant guys a bunch of bug notes. ) I also really enjoyed Heroes and The Call as well. Just want to say thanks really quick to all three of you for the awesome music. Keep up the great work guys!

-Quick Edit- Forgot to add this. Question for all three of you: When you're starting a new project, what is there anything you hope to take away from the experience, be it experience, more knowledge, or even ideas to use in future projects?

WastedPanda3 karma

Wow, that's pretty interesting. Also kind of scary about how major media can sway our thinking so much towards criminal behavior and activity.

Thanks for the answer! :)

WastedPanda2 karma

Haha yeah, that was me. ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbwZEwawe2A Part 2 link in description ) I recorded that with x-split and it recorded the volume way louder than it should have so I'm barely audible, haha.

I see, so you do a full study of the subject game first, then go track by track while really immersing yourself into the theme of the project? I agree that you get great results by doing that. Sounds like a great way to go about a project. Give it your full, undivided attention, so you're not juggling a bunch of stuff at once and taking away quality from the different projects.

I also have to say that, at least how I hear each of the projects, that it sounds like you have a lot of fun with each project you do. I guess you have to do that as a musican, because how can others enjoy themselves listening to something if the artist behind it didn't have fun making it.

Oh, and a quick comment about your song " Awakening " from Tour: Date with a Dream. That little ending speech at the end of the song is amazing. Was that by chance a paraphrased nod towards the poem " The Awakening " by Sonny Carroll because it was very similar. Either way, a very inspiring piece.

Once again, thanks a lot for all the great music. I'll admit when I first heard of you ( Grow Up back off the original Mega Ran ) I liked your music so much that downloaded all I could find ( Sorry! I was broke at the time and couldn't afford it right away :( ) Then, as I got money I started deleting the pirated music and replaced it with legit copies as soon as I had enough money. As of a few months ago, I finally managed to delete and replace the last of the music that I downloaded with a legitimate version. There were some albums that I didn't download initially because I couldn't find them, but I plan on buying them as well as soon as I can afford them, and hopefully I'll be able to afford a Team Mega Japan T-shirt/Hoodie around the same time. Until that day though, I'll just continue blowing up your megaranmusic page.

WastedPanda2 karma

Go for games you played and loved, eh? Please tell me you played and loved Shining Force 1 & 2 then, because I would love to see what could be done with those songs, whether or not they had vocals with them. I still crank the volume and play the music from those games all the time.

WastedPanda2 karma

Awesome. I can tell that some tracks have to be a bit more difficult than others. Some of the songs you've remixed from games sound so much different, yet still keep the original charm which has to be a challenge in itself. I've listened to some of the originals songs, then remixes and I can't help but think " Wow, I wouldn't have thought someone could rap to this, but this mix of the song works wonders for that. "

You guys never fail to blow me away with your music, be it game related or not.