Highest Rated Comments

Wereder23 karma

Hey dude, props to you! You're seeking your dream, getting that internet fame, and making light of your shortness. Keep doing what your doing!

But now for my actual question. If I wanted to pursue blacksmithing as a hobby, what would I have to do to get started?

Wereder2 karma

Hello sir, I am a Green Party member here in Ohio! We are busy fighting to remain an actual party in this state, and trying to get one of our own, Joe deMare to be elected into city council. But enough about me, I would like to note something. For some reason, most Green Party members that I have spoken with seem to be against NAFTA. But I rather like it, for a variety of reasons. Could you state your position on NAFTA, and explain why you are for or against it please?

Wereder2 karma

You wanted my opinion. Basically, my thoughts were that it was benefiting us by allowing us to ship to Mexico and Canada more easily. I also felt that most jobs we lost through it were ones that we would lose anyway. And honestly, I feel the ones that Mexico lost were ones that were easily replaced by either better automation or by better work practices. And I actually like more immigrants coming here, I just wish we could implement something that would allow them a better path to citizenship. That being said, I hope you get elected, we need more Greens in office.

Wereder2 karma

I once read a book where a security firm hired a hacker because he would know the best ways to stop other hackers. Would you say this is why you were hired?