Highest Rated Comments

Whoretron800023 karma

How do you feel about seeing so much accumulation of wealth by just a few corporations and individuals all while children go hungry, education quality lessens, retirement becomes inaccessible, home ownership becomes untenable and the disparity between the haves and have nots is larger than times of monarchs and serfs?

Do you still think a rising tide will lift all boats when we have seen, time and time again, that it lifts a few and sinks the masses?

Whoretron800011 karma

I wake up from the back of my throat feeling dry and full of gross flegm. Do you think I have sleep apnea? Family of snorers. Sleep with two pillows and sometimes one.

Whoretron80002 karma

My nose is huge and my jaw line is wide. I have giant sinuses and breathing holes, and still this, perhaps from a broken nose or three. I'm concerned about spending all the money to have an at home test, then wait a few weeks to have an in clinic overnight test. Insurance doesn't cover all of it.

How do you recommend convincing my GP/or ENT to consider my condition more seriously? Are there any specific words to use to convey ailments succinctly to a medical professional that would garner interest in the conditions as opposed to simply suggesting the boiler plate actions?

Whoretron80001 karma

Any insight on the USDA Organic Program and their regulation regarding the term "Organic" for personal care items? So many brands use the term Organic when using conventional (non certified organic) ingredients and seem to devalue the "Certified Organic Brand" while creating more confusion and skeptisism.

Whoretron8000-2 karma

Ahh! The classic nonsequorialisingzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Sorry the answer is not "No, sir"!