Highest Rated Comments

Wickatron72 karma

At the end of the movie, before the credits, didn't it say "Johnny, Archie and the Wild Bunch will return for the Real RocknRolla"? Oh and: "If I could be half the human being Bob is at the cost of being a poof, I'd have to think about it. Not for very long, but it'd give me pause."

Wickatron16 karma

Definitely sounds like something Fat Mike would say.

Wickatron5 karma

I seem to remember reading that it's about someone in the band that worked as a valet. I think...

Wickatron3 karma

Pretty sure it's Beer Goggles...

Wickatron3 karma

Hey Ran - they're site is down for some reason. Any way you can provide the names of the artists in the NPC Collective so I can check them out on Spotify? Thanks and keep up the great work. I'll definitely be contributing to the kickstarter.