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XavierMendel1597 karma

Does Bernie Sanders plan on addressing his negative stances on nuclear energy and space exploration before the caucus?

XavierMendel490 karma

Hi Mike, welcome to reddit!

I've been a fan of Penny Arcade since early 2000, and have loved watching it grow. I still reread old comics from time to time, and the transition in art is astounding. More than that, I've had the chance to see you grow as a person. From a gamer with a tendency to draw to an awesome father.

I don't have any single question for you to answer, because after reading the news posts/tweets/articles for so long, there's really not a lot left to know. It feels weird to realize that I know so much about a webcomic, but I'll accept that.

I don't normally comment on IAmAs, for fear of being lost in the crowd, yet today I feel the need to thank you. Thanks for keeping me entertained for so many years. Thanks for sticking up for gamers when we need you. Thanks for getting Paul fired. Thanks for PAX, and thanks for Child's Play.

Have a nice day, my good sir.

XavierMendel345 karma

Have you read The Enormous Egg? It's a children's book about a kid who gets a baby stegosaurus for a pet and has to deal with it growing up.

Late edit: It was pointed out that this was a triceratops, not a stegosaurus. I'm sorry, reddit.

XavierMendel245 karma

Still one of the best children's series ever.

XavierMendel235 karma

Seriously, though. If you can't connect to Google.com, the problem is on your end. I don't think it's actually gone down since 2003. Nearly a decade of uptime.