Highest Rated Comments

Xellos42354 karma

You, sir, are awesome.

  1. My wife and I went to an autograph session for one of the Castle books. She doesn't do much fangirling, but you called her "angel" and she was totally fangirling afterwards (it was adorable). She said "I will pretend he doesn't say that to all his female fans". Do you?

  2. Can you tell us anything interesting about the upcoming Castle season? Are Beckett and Castle actually going to be together without more unnecessary steps backwards?

Xellos4254 karma

I didn't get a math degree, and Sean can obviously answer this better, but I did take a class from Prof. Benjamin in my time at Mudd and can speak to this a little bit.

He's really good at keeping everyone engaged in class, even if you're an exhausted college student who stayed up too late, but honestly the most memorable thing from someone who wasn't a math major (besides his incredibly cool Mathemagics stuff) is that he remembers EVERYONE's name - forever, as far as I can tell. I met him briefly at a pre-frosh event - maybe a couple minutes - and when I walked onto the campus in the fall, he greeted me by name. Even now, seven years out of college, I bet he'd recognize me if I went back to visit. The man is seriously impressive.

Xellos4217 karma

Hi Sean. I don't actually have a question, but I thought you might get a kick out of the fact that mentioning "I went to Harvey Mudd with Day[9], he's a cool dude" results in genuine "OH MY GOD" fanboy shrieking in most nerd circles. Hooray for Mudd!

Halo Suite and associated alumni will keep rooting for you. :)

Xellos4210 karma

Original Dean was definitely the least douchey of her boyfriends. Married with a terrible moustache Dean... the less said about him the better.

I think for me all the guys just suffered in comparison to Luke - Rory never had a Luke. Though I will say I ended up liking Logan a lot more than I thought I would when he was introduced.

Xellos422 karma

Hey Front, huge fan - I've been at your PAX Prime show for I think the last five years and pretty much always buy your latest CD from you at PAX, so I have a nice signed collection in my car. You're awesome to talk to.

One of the things I've noticed is that you've improved your stage presence during that time period - I've always had fun, but I feel like the last couple of years you've really gotten better at performing. What are some of the lessons you've learned over time about what works and what doesn't in terms of putting together a performance?