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ZO505016 karma

Have you ever heard of "Kyle's law" as proposed by a lawyer who specializes in self defense? It is basically asking for prosecutors to be held accountable if they bring charges that should have never been brought.


Would this be something your org would support?

ZO50507 karma

Have any good cringy second hand "you don't look like you need a wheelchair/mobility scooter" stories?

My dad had a guy tell him he "owes everyone an apology" for going to a race on a mobility scooter and parking it and himself in the handicapped section because "you come in here on that scooter but it turns out you can stand!" By a drunk guy who wanted to stand in front of the handicapped section.

ZO50504 karma

I want to make a comedy sketch where you walk,out to the guy like normal and he says "oh my god, Chris Hansen! I'm your biggest fan! Do you have any idea what I've all done to get here to meet you today?" You in?

ZO50502 karma

This might be a strange question but whats the biggest tires youve ever put on a wheelchair or scooter? What do you do for the wheel well/fenders on the ones that need them? My dad and I make custom motorcycle fenders from hand laid fiberglass.

ZO50501 karma

Admittedly stupid question.

Aren't you messing with nature by stopping something natural from happening? Like would we try to stop a tornado from forming or a Valcano from erupting? Seems like an over reach of our standing in nature. Have you ever thought about this or am I crazy?

I know its better than people dying, it just feels weird to me for some reason.