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_JarthVader_20 karma

TSH thyroid stimulating hormone. OOP is “out of pocket” cost. “Reflexed” is another test, automatically performed if the results from the first test are abnormal. “Cascade profile” like he said, is a multitest - test ALL THE THINGS. Many tests, much money, wow.

_JarthVader_14 karma

Gotcha. Agreed.

_JarthVader_12 karma

Hahaha, reading that title brought back some memories. I’m not OP but I was a young teenager heavily into the hobby of sport ATVs and PlayStation when the first ATV Off-road Fury game came out.

I don’t believe it affected my behavior in any way. I was always cautious and never rode above my skill level. I can’t think of any way in which the games may have influenced my real life behavior.