Highest Rated Comments

_shakta176 karma

Just FYI Silk Road 2.0 have now actually paid back 100% of all the money that was stolen from users, considering the anonymity of the whole system in that they could take it all and run, that's pretty amazing tbh.

More info/statement on the SR mainpage.

_shakta39 karma

If you have to transfer it into bottles, how does it arrive? What are the logistics of the whole thing?

_shakta3 karma

Hi mate, this might be better and seen by more who are interested if you posted it to /r/edmproduction. I definitely have some production related questions!

So if you were gonna give one piece of advice to a producer looking to take their production to the next level what would it be?

Oh, and would you rather fight 100 horse sized ducks or 100 duck sized horses?