Highest Rated Comments

a_epstein40 karma

You've proposed a bill to put a price on carbon and stop the worst polluters in the state from dumping unlimited toxins into our air. This seems like a slam dunk, and most of Washingtonians support it, but we're still seeing an uphill battle in the House and Senate. How can we counteract the immense lobbying money of the oil industry and the Western State Petroleum Association and pass the Carbon Pollution Accountability Act?

a_epstein3 karma

Thank you for answering my question, and i absolutely agree. If the legislators knew how people really felt about this it would pass with flying colors.

a_epstein2 karma

saw you with Ween at Red Rocks with the flaming lips a few years back. Seemed like a really special show, Which venues stick out to you as "special"?

a_epstein2 karma

CLimate change, global warming, or global climate disruption? What's the message du jour?