Highest Rated Comments

abltburger29 karma

How are you planning on publicizing it, and how can I help? People need to know about it and and stop with the "omg it's dangerous" - far less risk associated with it than any current method with far greater energy. This can easily be the first major step in saving our planet.

Tl;dr how to make this popular?

abltburger13 karma

I'm studying to be a doctor, and I'm sure as you remember, it sucks. Any tips to help myself stay in high spirits, or keep my grades up?

abltburger9 karma

Missed the kickstarter fund, was on my phone.

Best of luck to you guys!

abltburger9 karma

Your beard is magnificent. Tips on growing it, and staying so damn beautiful?

abltburger7 karma

I could not have asked for a better answer. Thanks!