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abortionsforall113 karma

One feature I wish Civ games had was a better start seed mechanic. I'm always tempted to keep reloading for a better initial seed, which leads to using a mod to exploring the whole map and picking the best spot to speed things up, which leads to using a mod to make a perfect start location.

Maybe let the player design the starting plot when customizing a ciz? Give so many points to spend and have bonuses/rivers cost so many points? Just having starting plot point customiztion as a selectable option would probably let me better restrain myself and prolong game life.

abortionsforall13 karma

You seem to be denying the possibility that in the future machines will be better than humans at everything. If such a future comes to pass and maintenance for such machines costs less than housing and feeding a human, the market outcome is that humans are no longer employable. There would be two classes of people, those who own the machines and those who either starve or exist on charity. You deny such a world is possible?

abortionsforall7 karma

The only ways to avoid concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere associated with severe consequences for human prosperity is to either leave CO2 in the ground or put it back in the ground after extraction. Betting that in the future there will be a way to sequester atmospheric CO2 in a way that is both cheap and effective is not a bet humans should make. Thus, we can't even burn all the verified deposits of fossil fuels and stay in the acceptable zone. And... if we can't even burn the stores we know about, there would seem to be little reason to try to find new ones, no? That is, unless the captains of industry have no intention of mitigating global warming. And why would they, when more money is made by externalizing the cost?

On top of that, waiting for industry to find a solution is precisely what has been done for the past 3 decades. Predictably, nothing happened. Since the costs of unmitigated global warming far exceed the costs of transitioning to renewable sources, there is only one sane course; a near total transition away from fossil fuels. When the gas company trying to build a refinery near my house starts caring about my lungs, I'll start caring about your job.

abortionsforall5 karma

Maybe you should make alcohol illegal and decriminalize possession of it. That would make more sense than what you apparently support, since alcohol is a far more harmful drug than weed. Probably you drink and don't smoke, I would wager.

abortionsforall2 karma

There's a wealth of research showing that teacher quality is the strongest determinant of educational outcomes

The strongest predictor of educational outcomes, by far, is the educational level of the parents.