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abusivemoo-6 karma
Thanks Ari. I'm definitely worried given how widespread the hacking attempts have been and how successful in some instances.
If you don't mind a follow-up, how persuasive is federal-level intelligence on this issue given that states have control of their own voting mechanisms? What's the level of cybersecurity in place to protect this information?
abusivemoo-8 karma
Follow up and more relatedly, what are the concerns for voter rolls themselves re: vote suppression?
abusivemoo-17 karma
Hey Ari, thanks for all your hard work. Do you have any concerns about not just voter suppression but vote manipulation? Data has been analyzed suggesting highly irregular patterns, like 3 precincts in Pennsylvania voting exactly 2:3 Republican and tiny precincts in Wisconsin reporting votes massively above the amount of registered voters. Given the reports of hacked voter rolls and how easy it is to hack the machines themselves, what is your level of concern as to actual legitimacy of the vote count itself?
Edit: Here's a link to a tweet I saw re: 3 Pennsylvania precincts voting at exactly a rate of 2:3. Note that I haven't independently confirmed these numbers, nor has a major news outlet. I just saw this today.
Edit 2: Looks like downvote brigade has arrived. We must be doing something right.
abusivemoo9 karma
Not sure why you think these are incompatible concerns. The concern is for the democratic process, not for a particular outcome.
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