Highest Rated Comments

ac_slat3r8 karma

It's probably more like the people that funded this would be pissed if he's actively telling people how to pirate it, so he's just covering his ass and trying to help. He should have not said anything at all.

ac_slat3r7 karma

  • What was your favorite episode you appeared in?

  • Did you come up with the "hubble-bubble telescope" nickname for Bubbles or was that a writer?

  • What is your favorite meal?

Loved your work in the show, and good luck with your stand up! I'll come see you if you can make your way down to Chicago.

ac_slat3r7 karma

Depending on what you put on the credit/loan application....

If you use only your name, it will in no way affect your spouses credit, only when you co-sign on things.