Highest Rated Comments

ahawks428 karma

I think the point is that each genre has norms, and conforming to those norms will help you get readers in that genre. Not hard rules, but of you try selling a 20 page book with illustrations on every page and a couple sentences (ie, a kids book) On the Sci Fi shelves, you may not do well. Then again.... It may be a hit. Who knows.

ahawks41 karma

Your list formatting got messed up cuz you need an extra blank line. I'm copying your comment below + list formatting. Not trying to steal any karma or anything :)

Yes!! Here is my recipe for almond flour banana muffins... they are SO good:

  • 3 medium bananas (you want them brown and spotty)
  • 1 cup almond butter
  • 1 cup almond meal/flour
  • 2 eggs, whisked
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • pinch of salt


  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • Combine almond butter and mashed bananas until they are a paste (you can do this in a food processor or by hand, doesn't matter)
  • Combine banana paste with the remaining ingredients
  • Grease muffin tins with some coconut oil or butter.
  • Pour batter into your greased muffin tin.
  • Place in oven and bake for 25-30 minutes

Makes 12 large muffins or about 18 small ones.

Sometimes I add dark chocolate chips and/or walnuts to the batter.


ahawks3 karma

I did a 2 year internship at Agilent, and then later a 1-year contract position at HP.

I found the entire experience pretty soul sucking. I don't really have any questions. I guess just, props for making it long term. I know there have been rounds after rounds of layoffs in the past couple decades.

ahawks3 karma

(not OP, but also an owner)

"Drone" means it has autonomous behavior. Calling these hobbyist devices a "drone" is like calling a car a tank. They're not drones.

What do I like about it? Flying. I fly with an FPV (first person view) system, so I can see what it sees on my goggles. It feels very much like flying.