Highest Rated Comments

ajkVQ60 karma

This guy right here.

ajkVQ4 karma

I'm not a weirdo who makes people remove their shoes when they come to my house

I guess respect for other cultures has been thrown out the window here.

ajkVQ1 karma

Since you have to hide the fact that you're having an orgasm in public, do you think it makes your orgasms via intercourse less intense?

ajkVQ1 karma

read this in a Christopher Walken voice.

ajkVQ1 karma

I have a friend who is a relatively well known porn star. From going out with her, I would say the most common opening line from a fan is something along the lines of "hey..i know who you are and just wanted to say hi/am a big fan/something generic. can i take a picture with you?" so awkward