Highest Rated Comments

akuun4 karma

You mentioned that there are a lot more men in this sport than women, and that you compete with men a lot.

Do you feel you're treated any different at tournaments because you're a woman? Is there any sort of stigma or attitude directed at your gender at competitions? Or is there a difference in the way your gender is treated in and outside competitive atmospheres (that is, are the people at competitions more professional about it when compared to people in casual settings)?

akuun3 karma

First off, great job on the Terraria music. I love all the tracks in the game, and the main daytime tune in particular tends get stuck in my head very easily, which is a good thing.

Some of the tracks in Terraria are fairly short. Are there any plans to extend them?

akuun3 karma

What was your mental state when designing the levels for McPixel?

akuun3 karma

How does life on an oil rig affect your mind? Do things that you would normally find boring suddenly look more interesting, or the other way around? Are there any in-jokes that only people on the rig would get?

Are people more/less stressed because of the environment?

akuun3 karma

You even get an achievement for shooting the basket there.