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anarchakelly7 karma

Hey Lauren, Iain, and Martin! A major fan, saw you at Landmark Fest in DC a couple summers ago and again in Baltimore the year after. I guess I have a few questions I'll drop below, feel free to answer any, all or none :).

Lauren: I hear you have a masters degree in Journalism? I'm considering grad school too and would love to hear your thoughts on academia, your experience pursuing a higher degree, and how that degree has helped you as the frontwoman for a stellar band. Do you think it's helped you "hack" the media so to speak?

Martin: I'd love to hear about your influences, whether that's musically, philosophically, ideologically. What sorts of thinkers, musicians, individuals get your brain jogging?

Iain: What are your guilty pleasures?

All: What books are you reading? What's the last movie you saw that you really loved?