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andyottito25 karma

Edit: Center of the anus, twice around the balls, and just beyond the tip.

andyottito24 karma

Hey Man Show, Have you had any guests that you really want on the podcast but haven't been able to get? Oh and any plans to tour with Prager again? I'd love to see you 2 in my city.

andyottito14 karma

Bear! I'm a huge fan and have actually read your book 'Mud, Sweat, and Tears' 5 times. I love that you're a man of faith and are open about it in a gradually changing world where it is more frowned upon. How do you keep a strong, Christian faith with all the fame and (probable) pressure not to talk about your faith?

andyottito9 karma

Imagine the number of listeners tuning in. It would be awkward pod, but good pod nonetheless.

andyottito8 karma

"Don't eat my chicken fingers!"