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applehazelnut40 karma

I think there is a very high probability that China will become the leading world power in the 21st century. So it would be wise to help China become the best country that it can be for the world’s sake.

You talked about how the best way to run an organization is to run it as an idea meritocracy. But dissent is a necessary component of running an idea meritocracy is it not? And China does not really tolerate any dissent whatsoever. How do you convince Chinese leadership to accept that they need to allow constructive dissent from believable people in order to make China the best country that it can be?

applehazelnut12 karma

Bridgewater talked about this at the beginning of 2020 in the Research and Insights section of their website: Geographic Diversification.

Everyone should upvote Mr. Ray Dalio's response to this one so everyone can see it.

I think about how to do this all the time nowadays.

applehazelnut4 karma

Thank you so much for taking the time to offer your thoughts on my question. Yeah, I guess we will find out. And I agree. We can learn a lot from each other. I think VP Wang Qishan was right when he told you this:

"Capable people are those sitting there worrying about the future. The unwise are those who worry about nothing. If conflicts get resolved before they become acute, there wouldn't be any heroes." - Wang Qishan

Let us all hope that China and the United States can learn the best from each other and avoid any conflict and unproductive friction before they become acute.

You are absolutely right. China cannot simply allow the entire population into those discussions. Way too many people.