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archifist20 karma

Not OP, but yes, hermaphrodite is an outdated outmoded term when referring to human beings. It's not scientifically accurate, technically, and most intersex people do not have two full sets of sex organs, they have developed some characteristics of male and female organs (which is also why it's important to acknowledge that sex is not binary - genetically speaking, there are more than just XX and XY)

archifist9 karma

I can't breathe through my nose when sleeping due to congestion. I have sleep apnea but the congestion prevents me from making use of a CPAP machine (I swallow the air instead of breathing it). I was diagnosed with allergies (to my pets! And certain leaf molds). They recommended allergy shots, but I wanted to try daily medication instead. Daily Claritin had not helped (I've given it about 6 months) so in the new year I'm starting on shots. Definitely recommend talking to your GP about it.

archifist8 karma

Not OP but the short answer is capitalism/money. The activists want to preserve vital habitats and that is preventing someone from making money

archifist2 karma

Also if you have a portion of a yard you can leave the leaves and not rake, that can help a lot of lives!

archifist1 karma

Do you and the other students take advantage of the counselors? Do you or anyone you know attend therapy sessions outside of school?