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atlas1324613 karma

I realize this is morbid, but have you ever walked into a situation and couldn't help but laugh?

atlas132418 karma

I was part of the Navajo tribe in Indian Guides as a child. (organization similar to boy scouts) Does it bother you that White children dress up it traditional garb and prance around OR do you like the fact that they are taking some interest in your culture?

atlas13246 karma

I agree that the costumes used were probably just that..costumes. But, I do remember learning a lot about the Navajo Tribe when I was young, especially myths and stories. Whether or not this material was accurate or not I'll never know, but I remember being entranced by it as a child.

atlas13246 karma

I've read through the thread and it seems like it's pretty messed up. But based off of your writing abilities and your claim of having a near photogenic memory, you seem like a rather well informed individual. So here are my question: 1) What is the highest level of education you completed? 2) Where do you see your life going in the next 3/5/10/etc years? 3) Do you follow any sort of religious background? 4) Have your attractions become a daily struggle? For example, when you go to public places like malls or museums, do you find yourself "checking out" children?

atlas13243 karma

Hey Chris, Thanks for doing the AMA!

I've always been obsessed with space, in fact leaving this planet is on my bucket list! While my current career path leads me no where near this goal, I'm optimistic that one day commercial space travel will be abundant enough to give me a chance!

So here's my questions: Can you describe something unexpected you experienced the first time you went into space?

(I'd like to be prepared for my trip one day!)