Highest Rated Comments

awwwpeas91 karma

Have you guys ever thought of doing mini webisodes? Silly stuff like Helena Reviews Pizza, or Joys of Painting Nude with Felix, Alison's Tips & Tricks for a Streak-Free Kitchen... it'd be hilarious to get a glimpse into their daily lives.

Love the show! Thanks for such a female-driven television experience!

awwwpeas17 karma

Huge fan of Broad City & Lincoln! He's the voice of reason in Abbi & Ilana's chaotic world :)

Any fun deleted scenes or dialogue you can give us?

awwwpeas6 karma

Was another actress other than Vera in the running for Norma? I honestly can't picture anyone else in that role. She brings so much every episode!

awwwpeas3 karma

How much was Freddie's resemblance to Tony Perkins a factor in his casting? If it was one at all. I think he bears a striking similarity :)

awwwpeas2 karma

What's your fav Parks episode written by you? I love Ron and Diane. The part where Tammy spreads her legs at the table will kill me each time I see it! Is it more fun to write for the personalities on Parks or the kooks on Kroll Show?