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axecop88 karma

Axe Cop is going to answer this one...

Axe Cop: No drugs. I hate drugs. I'm Axe Cop.

axecop38 karma

UPDATE: Getting offered weed by Snoop Lion on Reddit, definitely surreal.

axecop34 karma

Malachai: Probably not. I think I will stop when I don't have that crazy imagination any more. Around 18.

axecop34 karma

Ethan: First, thanks for the compliment. I think that one thing I always do is try to envision it the way HE sees it and not the way it would happen in reality. He think in video games and toy battles. One very revealing moment was when we watched this fan-made live action Axe Cop movie, which is basically episode 1 verbatim, shot for shot in real life. http://vimeo.com/19119108 When Malachai saw it, he had to shut his eyes, and it scared him. He is not thinking in reality. That is why when he says something that would be really violent in real life, I don't draw it that way. Most of the bad guys heads pop off like toys. I think that kids are much better at discerning cartoons from reality too. More than most adults give them credit for anyway.

axecop34 karma

Malachai: Axe Cop would hang out with THE HULK. Axe Cop also likes TO SMASH. He has a secret basement full of very old tea cups and stuff that break very easily and he goes down and smashes them every day after his nap.