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axel2191189 karma

I learned in Catholic school that priests are trained that if they suspect the individual might say something about harming themselves or others that they are supposed to steer it away from reconciliation and toward a counseling session so they can report it and not break their vows or what ever.

axel21915 karma

Hey Andy, I am a 26 year old male, student, and I make less than $500 a month in IL. I am almost done with school, but I was taken off of my parents insurance Oct 1 and I went to healthcare.gov and it said I qualified for medicaid. My info was sent and I have called them and they said they haven't processed it yet. Am I in the right place and should I be patient? I have yet to hear anything. The whole system was very confusing.

Should I go back and try to get obamacare?

axel21911 karma

Is this hemifacial microsomia?