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b_332 karma

I once watched a documentary. There was a man called Sparrow who was stranded on an island, he made it back to the mainland with sea turtles roped together with rope made from the hairs off his back. Out of 10 what are you giving these survival skills?

b_331 karma

Hello Dr Howard. I trust all is well. I have a curious question. Whenever I'm out there browsing the web, I often come across an advertisement banner. It states "get 2 inches with this secret doctors don't want you to know about". What is this secret? - asking for a friend.

b_330 karma

Mayonnaise on chips (fries if you are American). Yay or nay?

b_330 karma

Do fish get thirsty?

b_33-1 karma

How many chucks can a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck chuck chuck chuck?