Highest Rated Comments

badgimmick30 karma

Can you explain the PC requirements for the "intended" experience?

An i7 CPU with a 5 year old graphics card seems a bit odd. There's not even an indication as to what kind of i7 (Sandy, Ivy, Haswell etc.) .

badgimmick6 karma

Thanks for your honesty!

Good luck for the rest of your World Title run, you deserve it!

badgimmick6 karma

Hi Eric, thank you for participating in this AMA.

I'd like to know your honest opinion of the releases of established TNA talent such as Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Chris Sabin and especially AJ Styles.

Considering how well AJ Styles has been wrestling in ROH and NJPW do you find it odd that TNA haven't kept him in the "marquee" position that Sting was occupying for example? I fully understand the need to bring in and nurture younger talent but the aforementioned people were widely associated with TNA and could have helped to give credibility to people like Bram, Gunner and EC3.

And what is your opinion of Samoa Joe's career. I feel he is someone who could have achieved more than he has, even in TNA. Do you feel he has struggled to meet his full potential?

badgimmick4 karma

Hi Terri,

Thank you for doing this AMA. You'll always be welcome in /r/squaredcircle too!

I'd like to know if you were ever approached by WCW or had any offers to "jump ship" as it were.

Also, do you follow wrestling currently? If so, as someone synoynmous with the "Attitude" era, what are your thoughts about the current WWE product (or any other organization!)


badgimmick2 karma

I was in NYC back in February. Wonderful city and didn't get to do half the things I wanted but I'll return.

One thing I did notice though was how awful the roads are, specifically the pot holes. How do you cope with that?

Also, for the record, NYC cab drivers are the friendliest people I've ever met especially the one who took us back to the airport. One of the express ways was closed so he had to detour around Queens I think? Gave us a little mini-tour of the area too. Gave him a $20 for just being awesome...I wish all cabbies were like that!