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bakelywood7 karma

If you could do a reboot of any character, TV show or film what would it be? And what would you do with it?

bakelywood3 karma

Years and years ago, during Collectormania in Milton Keynes, you and Kane were standing together and spotted 3 boys nervously watching you. You called out and gestured "All My children come to me" in Freddy's voice. We were too scared to come over but thank you it was awesome experience. Still a huge fan of the nightmare films, never sleep again and most of your work. Thanks man you are the horror legend

bakelywood3 karma

Thanks for the response - Please bring back The Twilight Zone

Really enjoyed Chronicle and your little Superman doc, looking forward to seeing more of what you can do.

PS say hi to your dad from me, big fan of his also

bakelywood1 karma

I just watched Taxi Driver for the first time today, do you feel the age of the film and the influence it has had/references in other media have taken something away for first time viewers and future generations?

bakelywood1 karma

Massive fan of the show. I was 16 at school in Stanmore starting sixth form when it started so needless to say it was definitely something that I totally identified with. Saw the new film last night and loved it, a befitting end to the show.

The films ending, without spoiling anything tricks you into thinking it's going to end very differently. Did you want it to end there?

Were you tempted to set the film at one of the boy's universities?