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basement_kitteh130 karma

Or actual chicken fried steak. Or turducken.

basement_kitteh20 karma

A friend of my ex boyfriend has also alopecia, or as she puts it: hair never grew on her. I imagine it is much more harsh for a girl, but I always thought she has an awesome style. Instead of going with wigs, I only ever saw her with scarves or nothing. So not trying to blend in, but rather taking pride in it. And I think it matches her, as she had a pretty shaped face and skull, and a body too. (Sorry for using the past tense but I live in a different country and haven't seen her for over 10 years)

I think it suits you too. If that sounds too odd way to put it, I think you look hot, and have an awesome attitude and sense of humor.

basement_kitteh8 karma

$50k, but I guess it depends on the type and location.

basement_kitteh6 karma

Since I saw Nutella in the description, and now all the yummy Italian candies you just listed, I'm confused: do you work in the US or Italy? Or somewhere else..?

I see most of the Nutella jars sold here in the southern US have their manufacturing place listed in Canada. I can't still decide how much difference there is with the real, fresh, Italian made Nutella and the Canadian one, but I guess if I had to make my pick between a US or Canadian made, it'd be the Canadian. No HFCS for me thanks. Makes it sometimes really hard to find a US made chocolate (at least 70% chocolate) that would not list HFCS or corn syrup in them, so I usually end up getting European chocolates...

What are your favorite candies and chocolate? Including the rare ones in other countries.

Can someone PLEASE do something to change the stupid law that bans importing Kinder eggs to US? Those are the only real Easter candy especially for anyone who grew up in Europe...

basement_kitteh3 karma

One more way to think of them: leopards have spots, those scars are your human equivalent to them. (That's how I think of my visible big scars elsewhere on my body. Why hide them when they give character?)