Highest Rated Comments

bassman211220 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA!

I'm a student currently, and am planning on working my way into the game business in the audio field - sound design, composing, audio implementation, et cetera.

What would you say is the most effective way to break in?

Also, btw, been a G.A.N.G. member for years now, hope to be on the west coast to join the bbq someday!

bassman211215 karma

Timing. You can release the same app two weeks in either direction and see completely different results.

bassman21121 karma

Thanks a lot for the AMA!

Sadly I do not own an iOS device, so the only exposure to Ridiculous Fishing I have has been via the Giant Bomb Quicklook & their Live show, which basically sold me on the game. Is there any chance that you would bring the game to another platform, such as Android (I know that's a controversial one) or Vita?

Also, is there any chance you guys would do a larger-scale game similar to the mini Serious Sam RPG you guys made? Of all the indie games leading up to the SS3 launch, that was the only one I truly adored.

Thanks again =) Love your guys' work.