Highest Rated Comments

bgottfried9183 karma

Right? If you're working for a company that looks at a 6-12 month project successfully completed by an employee that says "excellent, now we can fire this hard worker and save a couple months worth of salary by hiring someone cheaper", congratulations, you just dodged a bullet. Take your severance/unemployment and appreciate that you're not still working for them.

bgottfried9153 karma

I was so confused at first, because I thought Jon Favreau the movie director/actor was also Obama's speechwriter and it blew my mind. Turns out they just share that (improbably interesting) name and the speechwriter) is an entirely separate person.

bgottfried9111 karma

Chie is best girl, because no matter what argument you can think of for why someone else is better, Chie can punt that argument into outer space

bgottfried917 karma

They describe in another comment on how if they have 10+ acres of tillable or pasture land, they get a (presumably) additional reduction on the property tax paid on those acres. This is pretty common in most states - e.g. Texas has a standard homestead exemption for all homeowners residing in their primary residence, but you can apply for an additional ag exemption if you meet certain criteria (TX criteria is less stringent than the MN one I think).

bgottfried915 karma

Awesome initiative and I hope it produces some great data.

Question: Have you done or are you aware of any studies on the effectiveness of LNT education on trail trash? I sometimes worry that the only people who pay attention to LNT postings at trailheads or LNT education online are the people who would have packed their trash out anyway. Is there hope that the people who are leaving this trash just don't realize the impact or is it likely they know and don't care? I think every hiker has their own opinion on which is more likely, so it'd be nice to see some actual data on it!