We have a 3 year old French Bulldog. She loves people and children. Does not defend her food or toys, no issues at all.
Her best friend is our neighbours male dog, they have play dates all the time, both indoors and outdoors. That works great.
One time she got out without us noticing, our children let her out (yey!) And she went to another neighbours to play with their dog, a young male. And they brought her back to us. When I came put on the porch and I petted our neighbours dog, she "attacked" him. Just to put him in place?
When we go on walks and she sees another dog she locks in an gets stiff, neck hair stands, but never growls or lunges unless the other dog does. Some dogs she bows to and wants to play after sniffing.
Is she protecting me and how should it be adressed?
bieku2 karma
We have a 3 year old French Bulldog. She loves people and children. Does not defend her food or toys, no issues at all.
Her best friend is our neighbours male dog, they have play dates all the time, both indoors and outdoors. That works great.
One time she got out without us noticing, our children let her out (yey!) And she went to another neighbours to play with their dog, a young male. And they brought her back to us. When I came put on the porch and I petted our neighbours dog, she "attacked" him. Just to put him in place?
When we go on walks and she sees another dog she locks in an gets stiff, neck hair stands, but never growls or lunges unless the other dog does. Some dogs she bows to and wants to play after sniffing.
Is she protecting me and how should it be adressed?
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