Highest Rated Comments

bilboofbagend1488 karma

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck, here comes Simon Pegg, SHITSHITSHITSHITSHI- Oh wait, it's Simon Pegg as Nicholas Angel...that's fine. There we go, just harmlessly vault over me.

Thank goodness that's ov-OH SHIT NICK FROST smash

bilboofbagend117 karma

We're going to see a film come out in a few years about the trials and tribulations of a young female voice actor, portrayed by Bruce Willis in the greatest method acting performance ever.

Bruce Willis is Tara Strong.

bilboofbagend4 karma

She asked the reddit community to ask her anything, but she is in no way obligated to answer every single question or even the most upvoted ones...especially if it makes her uncomfortable or she doesn't feel like she has a right to weigh in

bilboofbagend2 karma

this is like saying someone who drinks and gets in the car and has an accident is not responsible and shouldn't get a DUI because she or he is drunk.

Well, no, you could argue that drunk-driving is an action that the intoxicated party has full agency in. Being raped is something that drunk victims have no agency in - does that make sense?

bilboofbagend1 karma

Hey guys, great work with the series :)

I was wondering what your favourite webseries is (not including Dick Figures obviously...), and why? Did it inspire you to create your own, or influence Dick Figures in any way, or is it just something you really fucking love? Cheers :)