Highest Rated Comments

birdguy492 karma

Time to spread my wings.

birdguy384 karma

I have a graduate degree in ornithology, and I can tell you that the chance is slim. Catching fast moving prey in the air is just not what they do. A Harris's Hawk is much more likely to feed on reptiles, mammals, or slow-moving ground birds.

What you want is a falcon or possibly a Bat Hawk.


Edit: This is not a Bat Hawk in the video. They are only found in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia to New Guinea. The video shows various other Accipiters (diurnal birds of prey).

birdguy244 karma

Other ornithologist here:

How excited are you about some of the new conservation work looking to bring extinct species back to life?


How great would it be to get the Passenger Pigeon, Dodo, Carolina Parakeet, and many other back?!

birdguy179 karma

So what are they really like? Why is it considered taboo to talk about them?

birdguy179 karma

the way people have adapted them into mainstream culture is really off.

Can you explain how mainstream culture gets it wrong?