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blackmarketdolphins1734 karma

She has a boyfriend. Abandon thread!

blackmarketdolphins3 karma

It's a midi device, so as long as sound plays nice with wind synth, you can use the device as a controller for any sample.

blackmarketdolphins2 karma

It's midi enabled, so yea. It shouldn't have any more issue than other [wind] controller, synth, or line instrument. The problem is if you wanna use a 1/4" cable or 5 prong MIDI cable, you'll need the base which is an extra £200. I have an EWI4000s that I just use as line in.

One of the bigger issues with wind synths is that they don't always play nice with samples that aren't made with the intent of being played by a wind synth. So you really wanna be sure you're in to the base sounds and look into things like Patchman wind synth samples or module Yamaha makes for wind synth (can't remember the name)

blackmarketdolphins1 karma

How are you swapping leads like that in Stolen Moments? Does the lead instrument switch for each octave?

blackmarketdolphins1 karma

I for one will take your word for it.

Levar Burton would be disappointed in you.