Highest Rated Comments

boxjohn768 karma

So seriously, how much do you worry about being under government scrutiny due to your chosen path?

boxjohn28 karma

Thanks. I think that's very fair. Keep your nose clean and expect fair and above board treatment in return.

boxjohn5 karma

Too true. I've been the person pushing a couple young women to report. Even in open and shut cases, the revictimization is enough to prevent them taking it to court. To have the risk of formal punishment at the end of it?

Of course the flip side is cases like yours. However, it looks like you've dealt with it about as well as is conceivable. Good luck to you and your daughters.

boxjohn3 karma

Are any of the characters you play/write "you," in the way that some would say Seth is Brian Griffin?

boxjohn3 karma

Basically, if there were legal repercussions to accusing someone of rape and having them found not guilty, the already incredibly low reporting rate would go even lower.