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breshecl5 karma

I feel like in this case... boring/unoriginal might be better than clever or punny.

breshecl5 karma

I only keep freshwater fish, but it can be very difficult to figure out what makes certain species spawn (sometimes it's not well known even for more common aquarium fish) and it can be very difficult to recreate those conditions in a tank, even once you know exactly what it takes. Some fish are also picky bastards and won't like the other fish of the same species that you've collected. In addition, baby fish (aka fry) are also very sensitive to water chemistry changes - easy to manage in giant pools of water like lakes or oceans, much harder to do in small tanks.

Edit: I keep a species from Venezuela called Endler's Livebearers in my tanks and they are a wildfire fish. As such, they're common in the hobby. Anymore, most of the common/affordable fish are the "wildfire" style ones, where we know how to breed them. But some fish we're still figuring out, so they have to be caught from the wild, and more and more effort is going into captive-bred programs.

breshecl2 karma

For sure. It's a growing hobby now, but fish-keeping is still relatively young in terms of knowledge and best practices, and fish can be surprisingly complex organisms (especially the neat looking ones). You might be interested in skimming through this overview of what's needed to breed clownfish at home - https://www.fishlore.com/clownfishesbook-wilkerson.htm - it gives a good idea of what kind of special care they need.