Highest Rated Comments

bryan_caplan50 karma

A good finance textbook will tell you that "money" is not binary. Rather there is a continuum of "moneyness" that every asset has. Gold used to be near the extreme money end of the continuum, but has become much less so over time.

bryan_caplan49 karma

I don't know why Palestinian right of return would be the "most important" issue. But my answer is: If there's a low chance of it leading to civil war, yes. If there's a high chance of it leading to civil war, no. As I repeatedly say in Open Borders, there's a strong moral presumption in favor of free migration, not an absolute moral presumption.

bryan_caplan47 karma

Pretty good. I'm thinking of doing another non-fiction graphic novel on housing deregulation, titled Build, Baby, Build: A YIMBY Manifesto. I also have dozens of fictional graphic novels plotted in my head. If I went that route, I'd probably start with my dystopian story Control Group, about a psychiatric despotism inspired by BF Skinner's Walden 2.

bryan_caplan47 karma

Quadrupling US population overnight would indeed have highly unpredictable effects and lead to low assimilation (or reverse assimilation). Quadrupling population over the course of a century, on the other hand, is no big deal. The US has done much more several times before.

bryan_caplan44 karma

Lots. I didn't know the National Academy of Sciences estimates for net fiscal effects of immigration, so all that data work was new to me.

I came up with my method for putting a lower bound of the causal effect of Third World environment on IQ while writing the book.

My critique of the ancestry/Deep Roots literature happened while writing the book, with the help of Nathaniel Bechhofer.