Highest Rated Comments

buhzie292 karma

You would freak out about how inefficient small businesses are.

I can definitely attest to that. I've worked for a few small businesses, and most, if not all of them, are very inefficient. Waste everywhere. A little competence and confidence can bring you a long way in a small business.

buhzie22 karma

Eyal! Thanks for doing this and sharing your knowledge with us. It's great that you're so willing to spread your wealth of information with others. Thank you.

Just a few questions...

How do you feel that the recording industry has been affected with the advent of home recording setups becoming cheaper and easier to use? What has the impact of such an over-saturated market been like on a working professional as yourself?

What advice would you give for someone like myself who has proven themselves to many local bands as a formidable recording engineer/producer? How can I transform what I'm doing now, working with smaller acts, into something that I can carry into the future more successfully? What can I do to stand out to someone higher up in the industry than I am?

buhzie22 karma

Not saying the song is garbage, but garbage in, garbage out. The material has to be good for the mix to even sound good.

buhzie21 karma

What's key to keeping non-sample enhanced drums? With exception for the kick, it seems like most of the stuff to come out of Audiohammer has been with natural snares/toms. I know step 1 is to tell the drummer to play louder on the skins, quieter on the cymbals, and to play more consistently, but other than that, what helps with keeping a natural drum sound?

I'm so sick of hearing the same Slate samples on every metal mix nowadays.