Highest Rated Comments

busch_commanderT218 karma

Riddle In London Town is one of those songs that I have never stopped listening to since it was released. What is the inspiration behind that song?

busch_commanderT211 karma

On a scale of 1 to Norovirus diarrhea, how high was Rogan during the podcast?

busch_commanderT27 karma

What is something about Gattaca that most people don't know or realize about the film?

busch_commanderT27 karma

What's your favorite bar in MN and why?

busch_commanderT26 karma

Chad, thanks for doing this AMA. I've seen you play shows with Dispatch in front of 18,000 people and also with State Radio in front of 100 people. What is it like going back and forth from those shows?