Highest Rated Comments

carrollr840 karma

Random side story. Some random dude in Livingstone, Zambia offered to call his brother to take us back to a hotel in his "taxi".

The dude was pretty cool, pretty young (like mid 20's), so we were chatting away. I asked him what they do in the evenings, if they have time to relax or have fun. His answer "I go to my family and we read the bible".

carrollr142 karma

When designing Ethernet, did you ever consider a backpressure mechanism ala Frame Relay's BECN/FECN?

How do you feel about the current state of play (100G coming too late + too expensive, the approach of the IEEE being that 40Gbit was a good intermediary step) in the ethernet field?

If you were re-designing Ethernet with your current knowledge, what would you take out of the protocol?

Also - thank you for giving me a career :)

carrollr11 karma

Moves from 10G to 40G to 100G to 400G to TE are part of the Ethernet ethic, which says built it and they will come (eventually).

Why did you skip 4Gbit in that case? I'd assume time+money were a huge factor there.

Last question - ethernet is absolutely everywhere these days, ever think that Ethernet would make it to the WAN? Every transit link I have is an ethernet drop.

carrollr7 karma

  1. What is the piece of software which consistently gives you the biggest headache?
  2. Given the choice, what OS would you rip+replace everything for (Assuming everything else in user land is equal)
  3. Biggest challenge when hiring (note: I once subjected myself to the hiring process in google. I did not have a positive experience, however looking back, I think it must be more frustrating for the teams to get good engineers Vs the candidates getting through the process)?

carrollr5 karma

What is the corniest joke you know?