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cartoonartist37 karma

Thanks! :)

I'm Jewish and in Jewish history Cyrus is remembered favorably for the "Decree of Cyrus" (allowing Jews to return to Judea from their exile in Babylon and to rebuild the second temple in 538BC), but I wasn't aware the human rights he allowed were so extensive. You've tickled my curiosity so I'll go read more about him - thanks again!

cartoonartist36 karma

Thanks for this AMA. With regards to Egypt/Israel/Iraq, can you please think of one or more historical findings that are not that publicly known and will probably shock most of us?

cartoonartist31 karma

What's the best thing about this job? And what's the worst?

Also, besides your husband, do your friends/family know about your job? If so, how do they feel about it?

cartoonartist14 karma

I know that an eye vision expert called Eli Peli consulted Google for two years, I saw interviews with him on TV.

I googled his name up and came up with this Forbes article http://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseackerman/2013/03/04/could-google-glass-hurt-your-eyes-a-harvard-vision-scientist-and-project-glass-advisor-responds/