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caspy7126 karma

In what ways might alternate mobile OSes such as Ubuntu, Firefox OS and Tizen work together or share common technologies (in order to benefit consumers and each other)?

caspy721 karma

IIRC that dude was found out to be a con.

caspy75 karma

I just about asked "But what if she got pregnant in one and then a month later the other?" but remembered that after an ovary is fertilized, the body immediately sends out the hormonal signal to close up shop.

I find it fascinating that in order for this (the twins) to happen, she would have to have sex in both vaginas separately within a short period. Also, from a purely biologically logistical standpoint, this would probably be the easiest way for a woman to have twins from two separate fathers.

caspy71 karma

In what ways can we leverage magnetism to interact with other primary forces?

Do you think that antigravity will ever be possible? (If so would you expect magnetism to be involved in the mechanism?)

caspy71 karma

I added an edit above and just hit save, so you may not have seen it.