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catfarts9941 karma

Why in the hell doesn't the government just wait and arrest these guys when they go to buy groceries? Seems they always have to lay siege where their targets have guns and cover.

catfarts9917 karma

My friends and I practically memorized every line in The Jerk. That movie was such a huge part of my adolescence. If I ever became filthy rich, I was going to recreate the red game room in Steve's mansion.

So do you own a stuffed camel and where can I get one?

catfarts993 karma

I did this monologue for a drama competition in High School. I had a lot of problems. LOL.

catfarts993 karma

As a Democracy, it's pretty much over for the US. isn't it?

catfarts992 karma

So should I be taking baby aspirin everyday or not?