Highest Rated Comments

catsforlife2 karma

Why do you think people tell Jeff so much at tribal council, often to their detriment?

Is there a general plan/steps that Jeff goes through with the questions at tribal? I've heard he asks everyone certain questions, going through one by one.

We've seen many alliances and plans break down at the last second, or come to light in the last seconds, and it's phenomenal viewing. I understand tribal council can go for up to 2 hours, but surely you could keep secrets/plans from him.

catsforlife2 karma

How long in between Jeff going to tally the votes and him reading out the votes?

How far away were most challenges (I'm guessing they are at different locations) and tribal council in your season?

catsforlife2 karma

They show us the food on challenge rewards, no? It looks great.