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catsnpole3 karma

This might be a bit of an odd question. I’m a huge fan of what you do - I think it’s just so incredibly cool to create these adventures and bring so much joy to people. When I first heard about you from Reddit secret Santa, I told my partner all about that year’s adventure (I think it was maybe 2018?) and he had the exact opposite reaction to mine! He said he would be really uncomfortable with the idea of a stranger planning something so elaborate for him, seems like a lot of money to spend on one person when it could be donated to a cause that helps many, blah blah blah.

My question is this: any ideas on how to convince someone about how cool this is? I would never expect to “convert” him to the point that he would consider planning an elaborate adventure surprise for me (which would be the absolute best but is never going to happen), but I’d like him to at least understand what it is that is so great and appealing for many people.

catsnpole3 karma

Related: have you ever had a recipient react poorly to the entire experience?