Thank you OP for doing this AMA! I have read several books written by former children in Foster Care..I have read; "Another Place at the Table," ...."Three Little Words" ...."One Small Boat" (and a couple more)
But all of them were riveting and sad to say the least. Just wondering if you've read any of these?
I was NOT in Foster care and I can't really explain why have such a profound interest in the subject. (Considering I've never been in Foster Care) But I do know, I'd like to be a Foster parent. (Both my fiance and I)
I do have some questions:
Do they want "married" couples only? Can we be Foster Parents even though we aren't technically married? We are parents. We've been together for 12 years.
Do we need to meet certain financial thresholds to become foster parents?
Are we able to say, for example: We would accept Female children under 7 yrs old? (We already have raised one girl now 22 and have another who is much younger.
Is the (and I realize it is minimal and hardly the point) money provided for the child/children on a monthly basis? Also, when you have a placement, are you given SNAP benefits for food separately or I should say in addition to any money they may provide to help care for the child?
Theoretically, a call could come at any time right? In the middle of the night? Has that happened to you?
How long is a typical placement or is every case different? Do they tell you on the phone (when asking if you can accept the placement) how long the placement would be for? Is it usually accurate?
When a child is brought to you, are you given a file that contains their medical history & a medical insurance card? If you had to bring the child to the doctors, I imagine you are given an insurance card?
Regarding schooling. If a school age child is placed with you and is from another city, are you given the authority (and any and all paperwork you would need that says they are under your guardianship) to enroll them in a local school?
Prior to accepting any child, does the worker give you the full background/history of the child? If the child has temper tantrums, anger/rage or depression. Or has suffered from physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual trauma. Are you given the information you need to prepare yourself or your home? Are you given this information freely so you can make an informed decision? Do they WANT you to know all of this or do you think they would try to avoid telling one certain things just to get the child placed?
Can one decline a placement based on the fact the child is a terror? Do you have to explain why you are declining? I just wonder if it would affect the likelihood of getting called again for a placement if you said no based on a child's severe behavioral problems.
Is there a certain amount of time that has to go by before you have the legal authority to legally adopt a child that has been placed with you, with no contact from any parents? in fact, do you have to deal with parents? Do you have to allow the parent to come to your home, or drive a child to theri home? I would think not, but you know better than me. I would think it would be up to the case worker? Do the parents find out where you live? I imagine there are times they don't want their child in Foster Care at all and the Foster Parent is looked at as the enemy. Do you ever feel unsafe?
chocolatelabz3 karma
Thank you OP for doing this AMA! I have read several books written by former children in Foster Care..I have read; "Another Place at the Table," ...."Three Little Words" ...."One Small Boat" (and a couple more) But all of them were riveting and sad to say the least. Just wondering if you've read any of these?
I was NOT in Foster care and I can't really explain why have such a profound interest in the subject. (Considering I've never been in Foster Care) But I do know, I'd like to be a Foster parent. (Both my fiance and I)
I do have some questions:
Do they want "married" couples only? Can we be Foster Parents even though we aren't technically married? We are parents. We've been together for 12 years.
Do we need to meet certain financial thresholds to become foster parents?
Are we able to say, for example: We would accept Female children under 7 yrs old? (We already have raised one girl now 22 and have another who is much younger.
Is the (and I realize it is minimal and hardly the point) money provided for the child/children on a monthly basis? Also, when you have a placement, are you given SNAP benefits for food separately or I should say in addition to any money they may provide to help care for the child?
Theoretically, a call could come at any time right? In the middle of the night? Has that happened to you?
How long is a typical placement or is every case different? Do they tell you on the phone (when asking if you can accept the placement) how long the placement would be for? Is it usually accurate?
When a child is brought to you, are you given a file that contains their medical history & a medical insurance card? If you had to bring the child to the doctors, I imagine you are given an insurance card?
Regarding schooling. If a school age child is placed with you and is from another city, are you given the authority (and any and all paperwork you would need that says they are under your guardianship) to enroll them in a local school?
Prior to accepting any child, does the worker give you the full background/history of the child? If the child has temper tantrums, anger/rage or depression. Or has suffered from physical abuse, verbal abuse, sexual trauma. Are you given the information you need to prepare yourself or your home? Are you given this information freely so you can make an informed decision? Do they WANT you to know all of this or do you think they would try to avoid telling one certain things just to get the child placed?
Can one decline a placement based on the fact the child is a terror? Do you have to explain why you are declining? I just wonder if it would affect the likelihood of getting called again for a placement if you said no based on a child's severe behavioral problems.
Is there a certain amount of time that has to go by before you have the legal authority to legally adopt a child that has been placed with you, with no contact from any parents? in fact, do you have to deal with parents? Do you have to allow the parent to come to your home, or drive a child to theri home? I would think not, but you know better than me. I would think it would be up to the case worker? Do the parents find out where you live? I imagine there are times they don't want their child in Foster Care at all and the Foster Parent is looked at as the enemy. Do you ever feel unsafe?
Thanks again..I appreciate your AMA!!!!
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