Highest Rated Comments

cloudcover01698 karma

How and where do you get help for all the science jokes in the episodes? I.e. the formula in the "prisoner of bender" and the grandfather paradox in "all's well that roswell."

cloudcover012 karma

As a joke, could you and Sebastian Junger make the ultimate war corresponding baby? With Anderson Cooper as god father of course. Real question: how you had any problems with PTSD?

cloudcover012 karma

What is your opinion on drones? As a former surveillance pilot, I am curious about your position.

cloudcover011 karma

How do you deal with your muse? What drives you when that muse is being uncooperative?

cloudcover011 karma

What went through your head when you found out about the other crews? Thank you for your service to your country. You lead the way for the rest of us in the military with your perseverance, wit, and sheer guts to attempt something like this.