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coco-monster2426 karma

Ultimate plot twist: It's actually Martin doing the AMA.

coco-monster2 karma

I'm not sure if you're still brutalizing your fingers or not by answering posts, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I have to thank you for your work. My (awesome) older brother let me play a bit of Alice when it came out when I was 9 and I've played it ever since. I've never fallen so quickly in love with a story, environment, and atmosphere of a series more than Alice. (Closely beating Silent Hill.) I'm a huge horror fan, but what I feel is that a lot of modern horror lacks a certain elegance to it. Your games and the works of Clive Barker certainly have that dark appeal I'm looking for and I can't thank you enough for providing us all with such an amazing work of art. I could flip through the concept art every day and catch myself being constantly inspired again and again. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you Mr. McGee.